AXYS offers complete wave and current monitoring systems with turnkey buoy and sensor options, using our proprietary TRIAXYS™ wave sensor. Custom mooring design, telemetry communications, and data hosting services are available, as well as commissioning and deployment from our experienced services team.
AXYS has developed an electronics payload using DGPS to accurately monitor water elevation in any body of water where a surface following buoy can be deployed. In addition to position measurement, a motion sensor on the buoy measures the pitch, roll and heading of the buoy in real time. This data, along with earth tide corrections are supplied to the buoy’s processor, which performs tilt corrections, averaging and filtering. It enables depth positions to be measured on the absolute three dimensions and eliminates the need to estimate water levels.
AXYS has implemented new advances in sensor technologies that reduce maintenance requirements. In turn this lowers our clients costs and simplifies the process, while continually providing accurate and reliable data.
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